Friday, March 01, 2013

Question Everything

Would you go to jail for your faith?

Out of 12 disciples, 1 committed suicide (the betrayer Judas), 1 died of old age (John the revelator) and 11 were killed for their faith and their ministry. Would you die for God?

The masses followed him from place to place listening to his message, then the masses later on yelled out "crucify him". Do you follow the crowd?

Did you ever pay attention in the bible where Jesus was talking to his disciples and explaining to them about his upcoming death, and told them, no demanded to them that they obey his commandments; then at the end of that speech he gave them the commandment:  "love one another". Do you love like that?

Why have I never heard anyone preach or try to explain the part of the bible where it tells of the saints being resurrected at Jesus' death and going into the land? What is that supposed to teach me? I want to learn about that.

Was Jesus homeless? I mean in an earthly sense? Does the bible talk about his "house" or "home".  Would you listen to a homeless man on the corner talking about love and sacrifice and being a servant? Would you give him the time of day?

How does a church report 6 million dollars in donations and only 500k in missionary work, or 200k towards feeding the hungry. What happened to the other 5.3 million? Are you posting this because your proud of your work? What about the verse that says give everything to the poor and go into the land? Do you think God cares about your annual report? I mean how do we miss the point so badly?

Maybe no one follows christianity because christianity is just as wrong and foolish as any or all of the other religions. Do you follow your church? Or do you follow God?

Why are there so many churches? With half of them empty?

Is a big church a better church? Does size mean anything more than just size?

If your thinking right now that I have an issue with churches, it's because I do. Jesus didn't tell us to meet up once a week at our little country club, he told us to go into the world. Well I'm not a real smart guy but as far as I know it's very difficult to pick up a building and move it around into the world. Don't get me wrong church has it's place, it's our hospital, our fueling station, our way to hang out with other sinners just like us and be loved while we love, but if church is about size, numbers, or anything OTHER than the advancement of the gospel...............we've missed the mark.

Why are angels and UFO's and paranormal activity shows so prevalent on TV these days?

Why in the 70's were dinosaurs still up for debate?

Has anyone found Bigfoot yet?

Why do most near death experiences report seeing a bright light? Ever read that scripture that says the devil is an angel of light? Does that worry you? (kinda hoping I don't see a light when I die)

How is it that evolution is still taught, when science has basically proven that it can't happen that way.

How is it we know the earth is 6 billion years old or so, but we can't figure out how old the Shroud of Turin is?

Why do we even care about the shroud of Turin? IF it is Jesus, it still won't make the world believers, they'd just all go and worship the shroud instead. (I only bring this up because there was a Discovery channell show on about it the other day.............the show made for a very good nap.)

Ever think of the irony in the fact that scientists have spent gazillions of dollars looking for the god particle? Does it remind you of the tower of Babel? (Nothing really changes..................)

If you would like to ask some questions or provide some insights..........feel free to comment. I do not ask these questions to cause doubt, division, or because I think I know anything. I ask these questions because the answers are in the bible and hopefully you will be challenged to seek the answers for yourself.

And thanks Dad for teaching me to question everything. It really messes up the comfort zone sometimes, but it does help me to discern between truth and accepted truth.

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