Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Moanin' (4)

  • Bone Prophet show was amazing. Very polished band. Good energy. Very professional. Not alot of message time, but the message they gave was simple and direct. If you missed this show you need to find a way to see them live. Truly one of the best bands around, signed or unsigned.

  • Ready to retire the shokjok name. It's lived it's course, died, came back, died again, and has just gotten beyond meaning...................need a new dj name.

  • When I started djing you came up with a radio friendly name. Like Arthur P, or Kid Costan, or Doug Podell. Then later the dj so and so stuff came along,  such as dj beatmixer or dj funtime. Never understood the dj before the name part, I mean if your djing they obviously they know your a dj. So should I go back to a stage name. (way back when -high school days- I used Dave Jacobs)(get it? initals are d and j...haha) or should I come up a new dj so and so name? I shall ponder and then have a retirement party finally lay the dj shokjok name to rest.

  • Never really "loved" the shokjok name, but it was kind of handed to me and I came up with some pretty good marketing themes for it. My favorite was to yell out it's the "shokjok with a little bit of Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddd   Rooooooooccccccccckkkkkkk!"  (those were fun times). But if I need anymore proof that it's time to retire the name, Kid Rock is country now...

  • So is it Dave Jacobs? Or DJ Clarus?  (as in Clarus Promotions)

  • Clarus - did you know that the word clarus in latin means clear, bright / renowned, famous, illustrious. Just like I like the music to be, clear, bright, renowned and illustrious. (the famous part isnt so important but it is fitting for a promotions company). In Roman times it was the name used by many saints. So I feel I have the perfect sound production, audio entertainment, and promotions name. (but that's just me.................) Most people say "huh?" what's the name again?" how do you spell that?"

  • DJ Grand Mill playing a show in Kingston TN tomorrow, I think I'm going.

  • Evolution vs creation debate is a very tiresome debate. They've got science I've got faith. Science changes over the years, faith doesn't. They don't see that science changes though, they look at is as we've advanced. But if we've advanced to the point of knowing it all then we will quit advancing, thus the end is near. Faith tells ya that if you look at the shape of the world today the end is maybe we're not all that different in that area. Wonder what science will tell us is fact in 100 years. I mean there was a time that the world was flat, the sun went around the earth, Pluto was a planet, and dinosaurs we're "believed" to have existed. Science can't prove or disprove God, it still takes faith even in this highly technological advanced world that we exist in.

  • I have my first paid writing gig coming up this weekend. Kind of excited, kind of nervous.

  • Do you ever pray and NOT ask for something?

  • If you charge a fee for your ministry, such as an appearance fee, is it a ministry or your job?

  • If you ask for a donation you're thought of as having ulterior motives. So where's the balance? I don't know, just wondering. Your comments are always welcome.

  • And God's lesson to me for this week has been about fear. Fear can conquer us if we let it. Fear can stop us before we get started, or stop us in our tracks. I need to learn to overcome fear, because that is how my faith will grow. One goes hand in hand with the other. More faith equals less fear, less fear REQUIRES more faith.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Out Of My Mind On a Monday Mornin' (3)

  • Was fortunate to see one of the most "real" live shows ever. The Shine Effect and DJ Grand Mill. Just really "real" people. Yes they were performing but you could just feel that the performance wasn't about the "show" but about what was "real". One of those moments when you just think, "wow, I'm happy to be right here, right now".

  • Kinda like that new song by Plumb. Need You Now.

  • I think that God knew he was going to die for us BEFORE he ever created us, yet he created us anyway because he knew he loved us BEFORE he created us.

  • I also think that God wanted to have a relationship with us, and that is the reason he allowed us to fall, so that we could have a relationship with him through his son, Jesus. He knew that was the only way to have a true relationship with us, and break down the barrier between the Creator and the created.

  • Humans cannot have relationships with their creations. Oh, we can interact with our computers, and our devices, but those devices cannot do or give anything back to us unless we tell it to. Our devices have ZERO choice in the matter. Us humans have a choice in the matter, and that choice through Jesus allows to have a relationship with our creator.

  • Maybe those things are simple to you, but to me they amaze me to consider everytime I think about it.

  • Atheism is a religion, no different than christianity, muslim, deity, etc., etc. An absence of god is the God. As Bob Dylan once said "You Gotta Serve Somebody". The choice to believe or not believe in God is given to you by God, which is the strangest kind of love that I can imagine, but nonetheless it is a love that we should all strive for. Yes God does love the atheist.

  • Ever notice how greed and ego seem to go hand in hand?

  • I don't think the U.S.A. is the most hated country in the world because of who or what we are, I think it's because we support Israel. Israel is the most hated country in the world. Always has been, always will be. It's God's chosen people, of course the world and it's ruler is going to hate it.

  • For some this is reason enough to petition our leaders to stop supporting Israel. Wouldn't you rather be hated for supporting God's people than accepted for not?

  • I think I'm one of the last people in the world that does not have an Itunes account. I think I'm going to have to finally give in and obtain one. Why one company controls so much of the music, or at least the distribution of the music seems unfair to me, but it is what it is and if I want to get my hands on some of this new stuff coming out, I'm going to need an Itunes account................pity me...........I feel very sad about this.


Friday, March 08, 2013

God Loves Atheists

I must admit I hate atheism. Before I go any futher, it's not the atheist I hate but the idea that a human being could not believe in God. I have a deep caring for atheists, I just hate the atheist religion. (yes it's a religion.......the same way all religions are religions)

First off, how can someone believe that there is no God? How can you look at a newborn baby and not even think about God? How can you stand on a mountaintop and not at least consider God? How can one stand on the seashore and not gaze in wonderment at how that came to be? How can anyone not believe in God?

I guess the first answer that is religion. Religion sometimes makes me question God, but then all I have to do is reconsider the amazement of the universe and those thoughts quietly fade.

There is a news article on Google news today about an atheist church in Britain that is growing so fast they have already outgrew their building. OK, let's consider this. First off it's Britain, a historically very christian country. Then let's consider that this made the main page of Google news. When is the last time a christian church made the main page of Google news? When Pat Robertson said something "out there", when a pastor embezzles millions from his congregation, or when a church sues another church over it's name? Yep, that's pretty much what the world sees in christianity, and the christians so called belief in God. Kind of makes it easy to understand why one would not believe in God.

Atheists often state that they have morals, and they are "good" people, they just don't need to believe in God. Well to that I say hogwash. If you take away the bible, you take away the morals. Morals of man change over time. Consider that it was once OK to have slaves, consider that homosexuality used to be considered a disease. Yes Mr. Atheist, you can have morals and thank God that still yet today man's morals state that it's not OK to kill, steal, or hate, however morals change with time unless you follow the morals of God. Scientists have suggested that a pedophile is not much different from a homosexual person. Kids is their "turn on", just like gay men are turned on by men. (I'll post the news link at the bottom). 30 years ago when I was a child, being gay was considered wrong by the majority, today it's widely accepted and even Pastors and church leaders are gay, I wonder if 30 years from now it will be OK for an adult to date, marry, or have sex with children. Before you say that's ludacris, consider what I just said about the homosexual lifestyle from 30 years ago. My point is, that man's morals change over time, and they will always change AWAY from God, if we aren't believing in, or following God.

Life itself. If life is not a gift from God the creator then life has no meaning. You can do all the good in the world that you want, but when you are dead, you are just dead. If life has no purpose other than to "get through it", then how is life precious. If life is not a gift from God, and it just happened, then nothing matters, it just happens. We could blow ourselves up tomorrow and destroy everything, it's OK though because it was all a random mistake anyways.

I would think that being an atheist would be a lonely and depressing choice of living. Most atheists say that is not true, that they are quite happy. Well I'm the happiest too when I choose to ignore my responsiblites and act as if life was as simple as when I was a 6 year old kid. If you don't have a right or a wrong, there is alot of freedom in that. If you have only heard the "thou shalts" and the "thou shalt not" from religion, well there is a lot of bondage and baggage that goes along with that.

If you have heard that God loves you. That God IS love. That God loved you so much he MADE you. That God loves you no matter what you have done, or what you might do, well that changes things a bit. If you can accept that love, and then love in return, your man made morals no longer matter, now you have a purpose for everything. You live a good life because you love he who loved you first, because you want to. No different than when you fall in love with your life mate. You love him/her so you live your life according to a way in which reflects the love that you have. It's hard to love someone that you don't belive in, I understand that. But God says it's OK to try him, to test him, (1 John 4:1) why does he say that? Well probably because he knows that you too will come to an understanding that he is real, and that will cause faith and faith is what it's all about. Believe in God, love him that loves you and the whole world, scratch that, the whole universe changes.

I've heard christians say about atheism, "well if I'm right I'm OK, if they are right I'm still OK". What kind of attitude is that? I mean no wonder there are atheists if that's the view we take. Jesus said to love one another. He said it many many times, over and over again. I think he might of meant that. If we loved each other with the love of Christ, I think it would be the God churches that would be over flowing and the atheist churches that are emptly on Sunday mornings.

If you don't believe in God, in my mind that's OK, but only if you take the time to really consider the other option. (that there is a God). I spend my fair share of time thinking on both sides of the subject, so I'm not asking anything of you that I don't already do. Remember you can be the best person in the world and not ever meet God, the only sin that sends you to hell is the sin of rejecting God. God loves you so much he cannot stand the rejection and he will cast you away. The same way you would send someone away that broke your heart so many times that you just couldn't take it anymore.

Look at the mountains, look at the babies, look at the perfection of Earth and the way that life exists and can only exist the way that it does, and then consider for just a moment..............God. Then stop and think how God loved you so much that he knew he was going to die for you before he even made you.

link to news article:  (scroll down to about the middle of the page)


Monday, March 04, 2013

Outta My Mind On A Monday Moanin' (2)

Let's start out today with some thoughts and observations from the debut of last nights TV show "The Bible".

  • I thought the show was going to be epic. I was a bit disappointed

  • The special effects were a bit disappointing as well

  • After I got over the fact that this was a story book type of show, and there was not going to be any true meaning revealed, I found myself paying attention to the story. I realized that they left a few details out

  • An angel yelled out to Abraham before he was about to sacrifice his son, he didn't just appear on the mountain. Also, Abraham took two men with him as he made his way out to the mountain to prepare the sacrifice of his only son.

  • The Israelites walked across the Red Sea on DRY land, it's only stated like 3 times in the bible. I think God really wants us to understand it was DRY land, not the mud on the TV show. (CC DeMille got it so much better.......and that was over 50 years ago)

  • No mention of the golden calf at all. Weird because Moses broke the tablets and ended up having to go back up the mountain and get them from God a second time.

  • They did touch on Joshua being the one to finally lead the Israelites into the promised land, but they failed to show why it happened that way. Moses disobeyed God, and God punished him by not allowing him to make it to the promised land. However God did show Moses the promised land so that Moses would die knowing that they had made it and that God had kept his word.

  • The angels that appeared to Lot? What in the world was up with that? I didn't know they we're even supposed to be angels until after that entire scene was over. An Asian and and African as angels? I mean angels arent any race, I mean like they are angels. But I guess if your going to portray them as people, somehow you have to include it in the story that these are angels so we know. Imagine someone watching that who has no idea of that story.

  • What happened to Lot after the burning of the city of Sodom they did not show. Probably too graphic for "family" television, but it's in the bible if you want to look it up. (Yes I just said the bible might be too graphic for "family" television")

  • I pondered if maybe God didn't just use the plagues to convince Pharoah to let his people go, but also to SHOW the Israelites that indeed he IS God, and indeed he is going to set them free, so that they would believe.

  • And isn't it funny how God is only as real to us as the last miracle or experience we felt. Just like the Israelites thinking that God had brought them out of Egypt only to let them die at the banks of the Red Sea, sometimes we think that God just forgets about us and that he has left us hanging......................but in the end.................if we are patient.............and pay attention...........the Red Sea will open for us too.

  • I also was bummed that they didn't show the manna from heaven. God provided daily. He told them to only take enough for a day at a time, and for two days on Saturday. (I say Saturday to keep it simple, but the day before the sabbath, God gave food for two days because he didn't send the manna on the sabbath). It makes me think that God doesnt cook on Sundays.........

  • Just like us regular folks of today, some of the Israelites would gather up more food than they needed...........and what happened to it? It spoiled, and stunk up the whole camp.

  • Maybe we don't need savings accounts, and financial advisors, maybe we really should live day to day and learn to truly trust God. I bet we'd see more miracles, because I know we'd all learn to have more faith.

  • I think the Egyptians felt that the water in the Red Sea had stayed back long enough that it was an act of mother nature, and it was OK that they tried to cross too, about that time God reminded them that he did it.  I think we often forget that "mother nature" is God's hands at work.

  • Does anyone else see the irony in the fact that Ihsmael and Hagar left Abraham and went to Egypt? The same Egypt that years later would enslave the Israelites (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob's descendants) for 400 years. There's a lesson there, I will be studying it.

  • One lesson to learn, when God tells you he's gonna do something, don't force the issue. (see: Abraham and Sara agreeing that Abraham should just have a son with the maid since Sara was getting old and they were tired of waiting).

Ok, so today's blog ended up being mostly about the TV show "The Bible" from last night, but then again I did watch the show, it got me thinking, and I think someone needed to fill in the blanks. Thanks for reading, now go read Genesis. You will be amazed at how much information is in that book. History, life lessons, and answers to so many questions which science has never been able to disprove.


Friday, March 01, 2013

Question Everything

Would you go to jail for your faith?

Out of 12 disciples, 1 committed suicide (the betrayer Judas), 1 died of old age (John the revelator) and 11 were killed for their faith and their ministry. Would you die for God?

The masses followed him from place to place listening to his message, then the masses later on yelled out "crucify him". Do you follow the crowd?

Did you ever pay attention in the bible where Jesus was talking to his disciples and explaining to them about his upcoming death, and told them, no demanded to them that they obey his commandments; then at the end of that speech he gave them the commandment:  "love one another". Do you love like that?

Why have I never heard anyone preach or try to explain the part of the bible where it tells of the saints being resurrected at Jesus' death and going into the land? What is that supposed to teach me? I want to learn about that.

Was Jesus homeless? I mean in an earthly sense? Does the bible talk about his "house" or "home".  Would you listen to a homeless man on the corner talking about love and sacrifice and being a servant? Would you give him the time of day?

How does a church report 6 million dollars in donations and only 500k in missionary work, or 200k towards feeding the hungry. What happened to the other 5.3 million? Are you posting this because your proud of your work? What about the verse that says give everything to the poor and go into the land? Do you think God cares about your annual report? I mean how do we miss the point so badly?

Maybe no one follows christianity because christianity is just as wrong and foolish as any or all of the other religions. Do you follow your church? Or do you follow God?

Why are there so many churches? With half of them empty?

Is a big church a better church? Does size mean anything more than just size?

If your thinking right now that I have an issue with churches, it's because I do. Jesus didn't tell us to meet up once a week at our little country club, he told us to go into the world. Well I'm not a real smart guy but as far as I know it's very difficult to pick up a building and move it around into the world. Don't get me wrong church has it's place, it's our hospital, our fueling station, our way to hang out with other sinners just like us and be loved while we love, but if church is about size, numbers, or anything OTHER than the advancement of the gospel...............we've missed the mark.

Why are angels and UFO's and paranormal activity shows so prevalent on TV these days?

Why in the 70's were dinosaurs still up for debate?

Has anyone found Bigfoot yet?

Why do most near death experiences report seeing a bright light? Ever read that scripture that says the devil is an angel of light? Does that worry you? (kinda hoping I don't see a light when I die)

How is it that evolution is still taught, when science has basically proven that it can't happen that way.

How is it we know the earth is 6 billion years old or so, but we can't figure out how old the Shroud of Turin is?

Why do we even care about the shroud of Turin? IF it is Jesus, it still won't make the world believers, they'd just all go and worship the shroud instead. (I only bring this up because there was a Discovery channell show on about it the other day.............the show made for a very good nap.)

Ever think of the irony in the fact that scientists have spent gazillions of dollars looking for the god particle? Does it remind you of the tower of Babel? (Nothing really changes..................)

If you would like to ask some questions or provide some insights..........feel free to comment. I do not ask these questions to cause doubt, division, or because I think I know anything. I ask these questions because the answers are in the bible and hopefully you will be challenged to seek the answers for yourself.

And thanks Dad for teaching me to question everything. It really messes up the comfort zone sometimes, but it does help me to discern between truth and accepted truth.