Thursday, February 15, 2018

Don't Ask Why

Another senseless shooting at a school makes me sad, it almost makes me scared, and it truly makes me angry.  The gun control folks are out in full force today, they never miss an opportunity to force their agenda on everyone.  The first question I asked my wife when I heard the news was, when are they going to start putting armed guards in schools. I know, I know, we as Americans do not want to see that happen, as we don't want to admit this is the society that we live in, however this IS the society we live in, and making folks uncomfortable while making children safe is A OK with me.  I like the fact that there is security at the church I attend. I don't carry, they do, I like that.  Anyways, this isnt the point of my let's think about why we can no longer ask why these things happen, we know, we just chose to ignore.

When you take prayer out of school and fire every teacher that even mentions God, you cannot ask why these things happen.

When you teach kids that they are a mistake, that a bunch of atoms collided and life began, that there is no reason for life beginning, and that it was all happenstance, you cannot ask why these things happen.

When you dismiss the idea that maybe there is something bigger than all of us, that maybe the so perfectly designed world that we see everyday was actually designed by a designer, when you dismiss this as even a possibility, you cannot ask why these things happen.

When you murder millions of babies for convenience, you cannot cry over school shootings, and you cannot ask why these things happen.

When you throw a prescription at every hiccup a person has, you cannot ask why these things happen.

When we make heroes out of rappers that have attempted murder, we cannot ask why these things happen.

When you disrespect authority and allow special interest groups to scream "F" bombs at the police, you cannot ask why these things happen.

When you disrespect the leader of the nation because you do not like him, you cannot expect respect from children towards adults, law, or civility, and you cannot ask why these things happen. (This is not a pro Trump statement, we did this to Obama and Bush before him).

When you use your political status for personal gain, you lie to the TV and to the people, you cannot ask why these things happen.

When you make fun of the VP on national TV because he believes in Jesus, you cannot ask why these things happen

When you give Hollywood BILLIONS of dollars for making movies about people killing people, you cannot ask why these things happen.

I can go on and on, but you see society isnt broken, society is shattered, it's in a million different pieces with each one thinking they are the most important. We scream words of love from a place of hate. We have no tolerance while preaching tolerance. We scream were free, yet were not free to believe, think, reason, or vote the way we want to without prejudice from someone.

There is only one answer to this problem, and it lies in God.  No one wants to hear this anymore, but human life has become less valuable than that of our dogs laying on expensive beds and eating designer food. If that doesnt tell you we need God, nothing will.  In the garden God said if you eat of this tree you will surely die, Adam didnt listen, he eventually died.  Were not listening, we cannot ask why people die senseless deaths at the hands of crazed individuals that are nothing less than a product of their society, when were not listening.

Yes Im sad, Im sad because our creator has given us the answer, we don't listen

Yes Im scared, Im scared because my grandchildren will be starting school very soon, and they will live with something I didnt have to live with and that my son didnt have to live with.

Yes Im angry, Im angry because it's so senseless, it's not about guns, its about our hearts, it's about a lack of love, hell we lack love to the point we dont even know what love is. Most would read this post and think Im a religious wacko, but in reality I care, and I see that the only answer is God. It's truly the only answer. So I offer it to you, that IS love.

If your reading this, no matter what emotion it may spark, please listen to this one final thought.  God MADE you, he made you before time began, he knew you before you were born, he has allowed this planet to spin through space this long so that you could be born. He became one of us, because he wanted us to know that he understands us, that he's been there and done that. He then died for us because when we disobey his plan things die, so he took that spot, we disobeyed, he died, he then rose again from the dead because nothing is more powerful than death............except God, and he wanted us to know that.  It's really that simple, it's really that pure, it's really that loving.  What you do with this information will become the sum of everything you are.....................I hope you consider it with the severity that it deserves. We cannot ask why, but we cannot ask why not. Why not God, why not truth, why not love?  We've pretty much tried everything else...........................

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