Friday, January 12, 2018

Thinker? Or Sheeper?

Has it really been so long since I've posted a blog?  Hmmm.........missed the election and everything.....well Facebook allows for a simpler and quicker "outlet". However, here I am and here comes a new post.  This morning while waking up to the day I was discussing with my wife about our President. Now before you stop reading this is NOT a political post, but it does start with Trump.

Is he a genius? Well he's smarter than the rest of us, he got elected, as a nobody with no political experience. Of course this doesn't make him a genius it just makes America the greatest country in the world, because only in American can this happen.  Why arent we all celebrating this idea?

Still not the point of the post however.  The point of the post is the questions that arise when listening to celebrities and their agenda's speak.  Are they so attention starved?  These folks were partying at Trump plaza just a couple of years ago. These folks or their friends were making appearances on his TV shows. These folks were inviting him onto their talk TV shows. These folks were playing golf with him (and probably still are today).  He was one of them, and they were just like him. Then he gets elected as a republican and he's the worst guy to walk the earth since Hitler?  Like are we all so dumb (or numb) that we believe this to be true?

Some points that are just so interesting to me:

Trump's not really a republican. He chose that title to run for President
Trump's not really hated by these folks, they create this idea of hating him so you will like them.
Trump's not a politician yet he's got us all talking as if.........
Trump's not really getting much done outside of taxes and economy. This is because in our country the President has very limited power. Again another reason to celebrate America.
Trump talks the christian talk, yet I do wonder.

So lest ye think this really IS a political post let me bring it together.  I don't care if you like Trump or not. I predicted (no record, so take my word for it,  or ask my wife) that he'd do well for the economy. Not because he cares, but because he would push laws that would make him even richer, and hopefully that would carry over to the next business guy. So far I've been right. Stocks are up. Wages are up. Unemployment is down. People are working. It was my thought that if folks are working and have a couple of bucks in their pockets, America is happy.  I was partially right..........we don't seem happy about anything anymore. We can't forget however that this tax plan that everyone hates is making the folks hating it more and more rich. Celebrities, politicians, big name news journalists, they are all getting richer and richer off this tax plan while pretending to hate you will like them. Hey they say my wife and I will get about an extra 50 bucks a week in our checks because of this tax Im a fan. I was also a fan when Bush sent us all checks and Clinton kept us all working while balancing the budget. I was a fan when Obama said we'd all have insurance too........but then I got the bill. (and on that thought, why are we all crying about losing something that none of us can afford?).  Those comments make me sound very money driven, but it's not that, it's just that I dont get too excited about much in politics, so when politics put dollars in my pocket I sleep on the happy side of the bed.

A few more thoughts............the Russia thing is because my generation still thinks Russia is the enemy, so the media works it.  The nuclear war thing........again my generation and my Dad's grew up with our heads between our legs under our school desk so this works, it sells, we watch. The hate Trump thing? Those folks are laughing all the way to the bank and were eating the last crumb on the plate. The thing is if you are anti Trump, then know why. If you are pro Trump, then know why. And remember those that think differently than you are NOT your's just as simple as a different idea. Think for yourself and stop letting these people control your mind and thoughts.  Iran had an uprising recently, immediately their government shut down social media to the point that the government controlled what those folks saw and didnt's not our government doing the same thing here in America, it's people with money that think they are smarter than you or I.  I say let's outfox them and think for ourselves. Be a thinker, not a sheep.

One more time I say this is NOT a Trump post. Ive never seen the country as divided as I did when Obama was elected the second time.........that is until Trump got elected. It's going to happen with the next person and the one after that and so on until we all fall down, that is unless we learn to turn off the noise, think for ourselves and live with love and respect for others that do the same even if they arent on the same page as you. Be a thinker, not a sheeper.......................

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