Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Missed The Mark

When the music is about the event, or the entertainment: we've missed the mark.

When church is about the memberships, or the head counts: we've missed the mark.

When our efforts are about self fulfillment: we've missed the mark.

When the altar call is about the number of respondents: we've missed the mark.

When the donation is about the tax write off: we've missed the mark.

When the tithe is about the percentage: we've missed the mark.

When the belief is about being "right": we've missed the mark.

When the truth is about the ego: we've missed the mark.

When the prayer is about the want: we've missed the mark.

When the study is about the doctorine: we've missed the mark.

When the love is about the reward: we've missed the mark.

When the life is about the dream: we've missed the mark.

Load, aim, fire: but remember it only takes a slight shake of the hand and ..........you've missed the mark.

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