It's been a while since I have posted. My last post was on the movie Noah, and here we go again. Many told me that I should not form an opinion about something that I had not seen. Some said that I was wrong to urge people to stay away, that they have their own choices to make. I even had a national "Christian" based organization tell me that I was wrong for speaking out against the movie, and then proceeded to send me video clips of many well know "preachers" or "speakers" telling us all how good the movie was.
Well I finally saw the movie. Let me give you the setting so you understand what has truly happened with this movie. I watched the movie with a couple of family members that are "young" Christians and don't know the bible real well, although they are learning and growing daily. It was an evening without major distraction in the comfort and privacy of my home. I did not contribute any money to the movie, or it's distributors.
As we are watching the movie I start to make comments about the biblical errors, I soon found myself talking so often that I was asked to be quiet and let everyone "just watch" the movie, then we could discuss it later. This proved to be a good idea, as if I had continued to point out biblical errors, I would have not shut up even once during the entire movie.
There is nothing biblical about the movie Noah, except the names of Noah and his three sons. Sorry follks but please read your bibles. Noah wasnt saving the animals, HE and HIS FAMILY were being saved by GOD. Noah wasn't ashamed of man, Noah preached to men to try to get them to repent and join him on the boat. Noah's grandfather isn't even mentioned during the times that the ark is being built, much less being a "wizard" of some sorts. Noah's sons, werent young, they were 100 years old or older. There were no babies born on the ark during the flood. No one snuck onto the ark and killed animals. Ham did not have twins. Oh, and it didn't start raining until Noah and his family were in the ark and GOD sealed it himself. OK, so now you have just some of the major lies that this movie tells.
Now let's talk about the message of the movie. This movie is an atheistic view of the world, and it's main purpose is not hard to understand - remove God and especially Jesus from the world view. A nice little evolution sequence is even thrown in during Noah's explanation of the creation to his family. Man against man, with no peace. Save the animals but kill the babies (hmm, that one sounds familiar in this world today does it not). I disagree with you my father so I'm just going to leave (modern view of alot of kids today). Twin babies which totally disrupts the biblical explanation of the beginning of tribes of the world. God is never once called God, only the creator. This movie as I had feared was a movie made by a devout atheist that had an agenda to promote the atheistic agenda, and do so by fooling so called Christians into funding it for him. The most discouraging situation surrounding the entire film, is how Christians companies and ministers/speakers/preachers jumped on board to promote this movie. If you think the anti-christ is coming as some super evil dude to harm the world, think again, he's coming just like this movie came at you, in a cloak of light with darkness at the core. I urge you as a believer to search God, his word, and the truth, and do not follow men, it doesn't matter how publicly respected they may be.
I also experienced an ironic moment over the weekend that is not related to the movie, but it truly drives home the point I am trying to make here. A friend of mine was telling me that his Pastor began teaching in the book of Exodus. After a couple of lessons, this friend was having conversation with one of his friends, and that person suggested that the Pastor had left out alot of information about Moses and the Jews in Egypt. After further discussion it was understood that the parts the Pastor had left out were the parts from the movie (10 Commandments), and NOT anything from the bible. I love the movie the 10 Commandments, it is very close to the bible, and the extras it adds in are storyline extra's - wherein those scenes tell the story that is surrounding the main events that the bible tells us. They don't change the bible, or the message, they give background information based on historical evidence. HOWEVER, this evidence is NOT int he bible, yet a brother believes that a Pastor left out part of the bible. Now ask yourself, how dangerous can a movie be when it is nothing but one big lie with an atheistic agenda? Ask yourself if perhaps when we are told to guard our hearts, it is for this reason.
For an atheist to spend 125 million dollars on something he doesn't believe in............just think about that. Back when we all had common sense, that statement alone would of been enough to keep followers of the truth, - God's people - away from the movie.
Yes the choice is yours to support the movie or not, so make an informed decision. I say let's not support this movie with our money and our time, let's question the Heaven Is Real movie for it's biblical truth, let's inform Hollywood that it's not OK to leave out key points of Jesus' life in the Son Of God movie, let's remember to read our bibles, to pray, to search for truth, to seek God, and to love one another.
My final thoughts on this are: What we allow into our minds can influence us, and can actually be a danger to us. When the bible speaks of even the "elect" being deceived, I worry. I worry for my brothers and sisters that believe in God but do nothing with it, and then become deceived. I worry for my brothers and sisters that don't get good root in their faith and then stumble across someone or something like a movie that is well thought out and carefully designed to deceive, without anyone knowing they are being deceived. I don't want to see anyone blindsided by the lies of the world and not know who Jesus is, and how much God loves them. Please understand I'm not "knocking a movie", I am trying to shed some light in a dark world and remind you all to follow God, read the bible, and be the difference for truth.
The Noah story begins at Gensis 5:32
125 million reasons we know there is a God = 125 million dollars to prove something doesn't exit. hmmm...
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