I have learned of a fast that is called the "Daniel Fast". Some folks at my church, including our two Pastors have decided to keep the Daniel Fast these last 21 days of January and challenged us to do the same. I decided to give it a try. Yes I said a "try", because well that is what I decided to do when I commited to this, was to "try" to do it. I suppose until the end of the 21 days, and the fast is completed, we are all "ONLY" trying, but that's not what I meant to myself when I approached this as something I would try. Well, I am 3 days in and I have learned a lot already, so I am going to "journal" this experience as I go along.
DAY 1 - Not so difficult today as we had to work on the projector at the church and then had a show later that night. Typically on show days, when I am working most of the day I eat very little anyways. I did seem to miss my "after show" meal which is usually a form of relaxation after a show. But so far so good.
Tidbit - This fast consists of only foods that come from the ground. Water to drink. I'm not a veggie fan, really I'm not. Other than potatoe's, tomato's, corn, and green beans (in bacon grease) there aren't alot of veggies that I enjoy.
DAY 2 - Sunday. Church day. OK, so the morning wasn't a problem as I don't usually eat before church. My wife made me a fruit smoothie to drink during church and that took care of the morning, but boy was I craving some crazy food after church was over. A nap helped with this craving.
Tidbit - I am realizing how fortunate I am to be able to eat what I want whenever I want. I don't have a weight problem, no weight illness that requires me to watch my diet. So today's lesson, was to be thankful that I can eat without many issues, and that when this fast is over to not take advantage of that and be more careful as to what I eat.
DAY 3 - Monday. Back to the routine. A little light headed today. Stay busy, and keep my mind off it. I just remind myself when I have a craving that I am doing this as a commitment to God, and not for any other reason. This helps me with my "try", it's becoming more of a mission. It's only day 3, but I really want to see this through.
DAY 4 - Tuesday. Wife made some soup beans and potato's. Almost felt guilty eating that as I love soup beans and potato's. Only having water reminded me that I was fasting.
Tidbit - Watched some bible study video's today and learned a lot. For example, who knew that one of the judgements of God is to leave us to our desires. He eventually quits calling and let's us alone. Thank God that I wasn't quite to that point in my life, and that the teachings of my youth kept coming back to me. It did make me ponder about our country however, and the way our laws are being written today and the things that we are doing, perhaps judgement in America has started and God is giving us exactly what we want.
DAY 5 - Sold my car today. That took a lot of time. Church at night. Didn't really have time to think about the idea of fasting, however I did hold true to the fast, and only ate "fast" food.
Tidbit - At church our Pastor spoke on exactly what I learned last night. It was funny because as he was teaching Proverbs I spoke up about a few verses in Romans, he cut me off and said that's funny Dave, cuz that is in my notes for later, so let's go there now. God always teaches me things 2 and 3 times, because I'm just that hard headed.
DAY 6 - Getting used to just being hungry and being OK with it. I do notice that I get tired earlier in the evenings though. I used to be the 2a.m. guy, but whew about 11pm and ready for the bed.
DAY 7 - Friday. It's been a week. I didn't think I'd make it this far when I started out, but here we are. The smoking thing isn't going quite as well, although I'm down to about 7 a day. We hosted the Rich Mullins movie RAGAMUFFIN at our church tonite, so it was another "show" night which kept me from thinking about food like a show night always does.
Tidbit - What a movie that Ragamuffin is. God has blessed that. There are so many story lines in that movie. Our relationship with God, with our parents, with our friends, a story line about the sad state of Christian music (and this was 20 years ago), a story line about money and how it can destroy some people. This movie has a lot to offer. I hope it gets picked up for major distribution, because everyone should see this movie. I'm sure it would upset some, but it still should be seen. David gave 3R radio an interview after the movie and we took questions from the audience, that was very cool. God has truly blessed this week for me.
DAY 8 - Saturday. Weird to not have anything to do today. Very relaxing day. The fast went well.
DAY 9 - Sunday again. Smoothing before church, and an amazing church service. There are about 20 some folks participating in the Daniel Fast at our church, and if today is any indication, God is blessing us already for what we are doing. I am proud of the fact that I have made it 9 days.
Tidbit - Funny tidbit. Our church had a dinner for the new folks that have been coming lately, now I just want to know what kind of church has a spaghetti dinner with cake, and pudding during a fast? Haha......only at ours, that's why I call it the "unchurch"
DAY 10 - Monday. My son has decided to jump in and fast with us for the remaining 14 days. I don't see him a lot so today since he was home I noticed that he is holding to it. Having "fast" food for lunch and dinner. I never even thought of doing a fast when I was 20 years old. I pray God blesses him for this.
DAY 11 - Tuesday. Starting to settle in, and get used to the food that is acceptable for this fast. My wife has come up with some pretty neat recipes. I've picked my favorite 3 so far and asked her to make them the final 3 days in order to make the end of the fast as "flavorable" as possible. (smile)
DAY 12 - Wednesday. Church today. Good to see others that are fasting. Helps to have the support.
DAY 13 - 8 days remain. Many say I have lost weight, however I wouldn't know. I was weighing myself the first few days but then our scale stopped working. I said, OK God, I get it, this isn't a diet, this is a fast.
DAY 14 - Friday again. Show day. Silencing Stones with Dustin Green. So honored that an entire youth group showed up for this show. So disappointed that no one from our church showed up. I went into this looking for direction, and I feel more confused now than ever.
DAY 15 - Saturday. Cold. A perfect day to set in the chair, watch TV and eat junk food. So.........Fred and I decided to go look at buildings that we may use as a venue. Last night has me thinking more and more that we need to take the concert ministry OUT of the church venues. Part of me says that costs money that I don't have. Either way it was good to not set home all day. Had a visit from a brother that plays drums in a local band, he stopped by to share a lesson that God has shown him. It was quite the honor to think he thinks enough of Fred and I to share this with us.
DAY 16 - Sunday. Church today. Got very light headed and dizzy while setting up the worship team for the service. Honestly thought I was going to pass out. Already had it in mind that I would eat some candy if I had to as I thought my sugar was low. But, after finishing my smoothy I felt much better and made it through another day.
DAY 17 - Monday. Another show today. Metal bands. First hardcore show we've done. Attendance was very lacking again, but at least this time I was expecting it to be, not to mention we had a threat of some very bad weather. Show days are the easiest. I stay busy and don't miss food so much, as even when not fasting I don't eat much on show days as I'm running around a lot. Very blessed by the bands that played. One was from Maryland (the state) and they were heading home right after the show, even with the weather threat. I was fortunate enough that I could bless them with some gas money.
Tidbit - Spoke at length with my Pastor today. He really wants to get the video ministry up and running. This will require ALOT of time if we do. Perhaps this is the direction I've been looking for.
DAY 18 - Tuesday. Cold, cold, and snow. In the house all day. Snacking wasn't an option, so today was a bit tough. Oh boy how I wanted some snacks while having cabin fever. I held firm though. Only 3 days to go. I think I might be able to do this.
DAY 19 - Had an inspection to do today, so while in Knoxville I picked up a new computer for the church. Fred and I later in the day went to the church and cleaned from Monday's show, then I set up the computer and moved the Mac into our associate Pastor's office and got it all set up. Good to stay busy. Even better to get out of the house and feel like I accomplished something.
Tidbit - Got a call today from a guy that wants us to help him promote metal concerts at a venue that holds up to 1000 folks. WOW. Another answer to prayer. Another venue. Was a great conversation. I hope to meet with him next Monday night and see where this goes. Looks like the direction I was looking for is starting to come together. This fast has taught me a lot. I will post final thoughts at the end. Only 2 days to go.
DAY 20 - Thursday again. I'm writing this a week later, after the fact, but looking back I remember it well. The lessons of this fast will stay with me, that is for sure. Thursday wasn't so hard as I knew the end was in sight. Similar to running a long distance race, when you see the end, and you've trained, you find something inside of you that pushes you to the end. Well I could see the end, and I for the first time realize that I CAN do this. Not to mention the eating has kind of become habitual, my wife says we will eat better from this point on. I think this is good, I must stay disciplined in this aspect as well, I don't always like to admit this, but I'm not getting any younger............
DAY 21 - Friday. Well this is it. My wife made the "Daniel Fast" spaghetti so that made this day quite easy to get through, as I loved the spaghetti that is Daniel Fast approved. We planned this out, so that we'd be able to handle the last day a bit easier, and as sort of a reward for making it this far. At midnight a couple of our friends came over, and we hung out til midnight, then we ate pizza and had (as they in the south) some coke. I had the Mt Dew flavored coke....haha. Half a can of the Dew and I felt a sugar rush that made me almost feel drunk, very strange indeed. The pizza tasted oh so good, but it sat in my gut like a pound of grease, very heavy, and very odd feeling. But, we made it. I just completed the first fast of my life. When I started this out, I was fired up, towards the middle, I wasn't sure I'd make it, now that I have, I am very grateful that I did. The shows really helped, it took like four days out of the 21 and made them "normal". God truly uses this music ministry in a lot of ways, and though it may be a bit selfish, the music helped me get through this fast. Jesus did so much more for me, those words helped keep me going too. I'm not a very religious person, actually I cannot stand religion, and I used to think of "fasting" as just another religious ritual, and perhaps in some ways it is, but sometimes you get out of something what you put into it. This was the case for me and this fast, I looked at it as an effort to serve God in a way that I had never attempted before, not as a religious activity, and in return I walk out of this feeling like I am closer to God, and in a strange way I feel like he is chuckling at me and my small efforts, but also realizing that to him it is as precious as a child in kindergarten bringing home his "Picasso" for Mom and Dad. If you've never fasted in any way, I would recommend it , but you have to do it in truth, and with a full heart, otherwise it's just a religious ritual. Not sure I'll do this again next year, can't even say, but I also cannot say I won't. Actually I hope to do some sort of fast every month this year, whether it's a day, or only simply giving something up for a period of time, I want to "feel" like I'm challenging myself, it's in my make up to do that, and I have now found a way to this biblically and relate it to my walk with God.
Tidbits - I've already stated a lot, however I will share what I asked God for when I went into this fast. Yes, it's personal, but you know when they took the roof off the place to lower the sick guy down into the room where Jesus was, they sure weren't shy about letting the world know they needed a touch from Jesus, so I will share. This blog was an attempt for me to remember this fast, and the life experience that it was as I go farther along, therefore by sharing my requests of my Father, I will also be able to look back and see how he worked in this fast, and afterwards.
I asked God for direction. I could go on about direction in my life for a long time, maybe that will be another blog, but I really want to do something for God, and I just want his direction. I have realized that we are ALL called, I also realize that God gives us talents that we should use for him. I also realize that God won't call a person into something that he is not capable of doing. I "think" God will use us in areas that we like, or that we enjoy doing............maybe...........some don't agree with that line of thinking............maybe I'm not capable of self sacrifice to the point that I would go out and do something for God that is uncomfortable - something that I don't like to do, but have to do. This is where I get in my own way, I want to do certain things for God, I have goals, but are they mine, or his? Are these my passions, or are they passions that God gave me because he wants me to go do this, and because he wants to use this? I do not know, so I asked God for direction during this fast. At this point I would say that what started out as a blindfold, now is more like blurred vision that I can almost see, but I'm just not quite there.
I also asked God for a touch in my parents life. God that is such a mess, and it's a mess that involves 2 (and more) people that KNOW God's word, say they believe in him, but just really screwed things up. I can hope for healing, but even more than that I PRAY earnestly for their eternal souls. God please break this situation down to whatever level is necessary to bring them back to you.
And finally I asked for God's touch on my son's life. 20 years old, and here comes the world. If anybody needs God it's todays young people, they have so much garbage shoved down their throats, I pray for my son to be able to puke out the garbage, and hide the truth in his heart. If we lose this generation, their kids will not even be told about God, I call it the return to the dark ages.
If you've read this, or any portions of it, I want to thank you. I hope to be able to post blogs that share the results of this fast, and my prayers, but God's timing is his timing, so it may be tomorrow, or it may be a long time from now. All I know for fact is that I feel closer to God than I think I ever have. My passions are burning hotter, and my understanding of just how much God loves me is deeper than ever. If that's what this was all about, I thank God, for the idea of being a child of the almighty creator of everything is sometimes mind blowing.