If I pray for my football team to win because our quarterback is a Christian, and you pray for your team to win because the coach is a Christian, which prayer should God answer?
If my team ends up winning, does that mean God heard my prayer and not yours? Does that mean I had more faith than you?
Maybe the best thing that could happen would be the game end in a tie. Now that would be funny.
If I ask for a discount for something because it's for the church, isn't that the same as using God's name in vain? Why would you want a discount "JUST" because your a church?
When a church calls and says we need such and such for an event but we don't want to pay because we are a church, what should the answer be?
Does that answer change if the church is a multi million dollar building?
Does that answer change if the church has over 1000 members?
Does that answer change if each pastor is driving a Cadillac?
If you and I agree that it is God's will for us to work together on something, but then you think God tells you to go south, and I think he tells me to go north, which one of us is willing to not follow God's will? (Probably the one of us with the weaker personal will, that person will succumb to the other and everyone will call it good in the end).
So if God is telling you to do something that is going to cause anger, hurt, pain, grief, or even just some disappointment is that really God's will?
How does one really know God's will? That little voice? What if that little voice is the angel of light (satan) whispering in your ear, and what your hearing is something that will cause pain, destruction, and division? Still think that's God's will? (cue: Steve Taylor - Guilty By Association).
Do you truly think that giving God your last 200 bucks is going to earn you riches? If you do then giving it away is sinful in the first place, because your not really giving anything, your only expecting something as a result of your action.
I am sometimes consumed by the quandary of Christianity. I am often times amused as to what people call God's will. I am always afraid of the results of how any of these situations turn out.
We throw these phrases around and don't really know what any of it means. We get stubborn and stick to our guns, because WE JUST KNOW that God told us something, even though in the background things are getting sticky. We don't have the courage to say, this is MY WILL, and I want to do things this way, oh no, that's way too non-Christian like, when in reality it would be more Christian like, because it would be the truth.
Some use God as their rock, other use the rock to hide under and call it God. I'm not judging here, I post this today because this used to really bother me. These situations drove me away from God, church, etc for many many years, it became a huge source of my doubts. I have finally come to grips with we are ALL fallen, and I let it slide by me, and hope that my transgressions will slide by you. However I do fear for those that aren't quite there yet, for those that are where I was 10 years ago. I fear that they will see this "quandary" and it will DRIVE them away. I beg of you to not allow that to happen. Remember we are to follow God first, and just because someone says God this, or God that, does not mean it's really God talking.
I only have one answer to any of these questions, however I'd love to hear any comments or offerings you may have on the subject. My answer is this - A Man Leaves His Darkness When He Follows The Son! Now what is yours.