Thursday, February 15, 2018

Don't Ask Why

Another senseless shooting at a school makes me sad, it almost makes me scared, and it truly makes me angry.  The gun control folks are out in full force today, they never miss an opportunity to force their agenda on everyone.  The first question I asked my wife when I heard the news was, when are they going to start putting armed guards in schools. I know, I know, we as Americans do not want to see that happen, as we don't want to admit this is the society that we live in, however this IS the society we live in, and making folks uncomfortable while making children safe is A OK with me.  I like the fact that there is security at the church I attend. I don't carry, they do, I like that.  Anyways, this isnt the point of my let's think about why we can no longer ask why these things happen, we know, we just chose to ignore.

When you take prayer out of school and fire every teacher that even mentions God, you cannot ask why these things happen.

When you teach kids that they are a mistake, that a bunch of atoms collided and life began, that there is no reason for life beginning, and that it was all happenstance, you cannot ask why these things happen.

When you dismiss the idea that maybe there is something bigger than all of us, that maybe the so perfectly designed world that we see everyday was actually designed by a designer, when you dismiss this as even a possibility, you cannot ask why these things happen.

When you murder millions of babies for convenience, you cannot cry over school shootings, and you cannot ask why these things happen.

When you throw a prescription at every hiccup a person has, you cannot ask why these things happen.

When we make heroes out of rappers that have attempted murder, we cannot ask why these things happen.

When you disrespect authority and allow special interest groups to scream "F" bombs at the police, you cannot ask why these things happen.

When you disrespect the leader of the nation because you do not like him, you cannot expect respect from children towards adults, law, or civility, and you cannot ask why these things happen. (This is not a pro Trump statement, we did this to Obama and Bush before him).

When you use your political status for personal gain, you lie to the TV and to the people, you cannot ask why these things happen.

When you make fun of the VP on national TV because he believes in Jesus, you cannot ask why these things happen

When you give Hollywood BILLIONS of dollars for making movies about people killing people, you cannot ask why these things happen.

I can go on and on, but you see society isnt broken, society is shattered, it's in a million different pieces with each one thinking they are the most important. We scream words of love from a place of hate. We have no tolerance while preaching tolerance. We scream were free, yet were not free to believe, think, reason, or vote the way we want to without prejudice from someone.

There is only one answer to this problem, and it lies in God.  No one wants to hear this anymore, but human life has become less valuable than that of our dogs laying on expensive beds and eating designer food. If that doesnt tell you we need God, nothing will.  In the garden God said if you eat of this tree you will surely die, Adam didnt listen, he eventually died.  Were not listening, we cannot ask why people die senseless deaths at the hands of crazed individuals that are nothing less than a product of their society, when were not listening.

Yes Im sad, Im sad because our creator has given us the answer, we don't listen

Yes Im scared, Im scared because my grandchildren will be starting school very soon, and they will live with something I didnt have to live with and that my son didnt have to live with.

Yes Im angry, Im angry because it's so senseless, it's not about guns, its about our hearts, it's about a lack of love, hell we lack love to the point we dont even know what love is. Most would read this post and think Im a religious wacko, but in reality I care, and I see that the only answer is God. It's truly the only answer. So I offer it to you, that IS love.

If your reading this, no matter what emotion it may spark, please listen to this one final thought.  God MADE you, he made you before time began, he knew you before you were born, he has allowed this planet to spin through space this long so that you could be born. He became one of us, because he wanted us to know that he understands us, that he's been there and done that. He then died for us because when we disobey his plan things die, so he took that spot, we disobeyed, he died, he then rose again from the dead because nothing is more powerful than death............except God, and he wanted us to know that.  It's really that simple, it's really that pure, it's really that loving.  What you do with this information will become the sum of everything you are.....................I hope you consider it with the severity that it deserves. We cannot ask why, but we cannot ask why not. Why not God, why not truth, why not love?  We've pretty much tried everything else...........................

Friday, January 12, 2018

Thinker? Or Sheeper?

Has it really been so long since I've posted a blog?  Hmmm.........missed the election and everything.....well Facebook allows for a simpler and quicker "outlet". However, here I am and here comes a new post.  This morning while waking up to the day I was discussing with my wife about our President. Now before you stop reading this is NOT a political post, but it does start with Trump.

Is he a genius? Well he's smarter than the rest of us, he got elected, as a nobody with no political experience. Of course this doesn't make him a genius it just makes America the greatest country in the world, because only in American can this happen.  Why arent we all celebrating this idea?

Still not the point of the post however.  The point of the post is the questions that arise when listening to celebrities and their agenda's speak.  Are they so attention starved?  These folks were partying at Trump plaza just a couple of years ago. These folks or their friends were making appearances on his TV shows. These folks were inviting him onto their talk TV shows. These folks were playing golf with him (and probably still are today).  He was one of them, and they were just like him. Then he gets elected as a republican and he's the worst guy to walk the earth since Hitler?  Like are we all so dumb (or numb) that we believe this to be true?

Some points that are just so interesting to me:

Trump's not really a republican. He chose that title to run for President
Trump's not really hated by these folks, they create this idea of hating him so you will like them.
Trump's not a politician yet he's got us all talking as if.........
Trump's not really getting much done outside of taxes and economy. This is because in our country the President has very limited power. Again another reason to celebrate America.
Trump talks the christian talk, yet I do wonder.

So lest ye think this really IS a political post let me bring it together.  I don't care if you like Trump or not. I predicted (no record, so take my word for it,  or ask my wife) that he'd do well for the economy. Not because he cares, but because he would push laws that would make him even richer, and hopefully that would carry over to the next business guy. So far I've been right. Stocks are up. Wages are up. Unemployment is down. People are working. It was my thought that if folks are working and have a couple of bucks in their pockets, America is happy.  I was partially right..........we don't seem happy about anything anymore. We can't forget however that this tax plan that everyone hates is making the folks hating it more and more rich. Celebrities, politicians, big name news journalists, they are all getting richer and richer off this tax plan while pretending to hate you will like them. Hey they say my wife and I will get about an extra 50 bucks a week in our checks because of this tax Im a fan. I was also a fan when Bush sent us all checks and Clinton kept us all working while balancing the budget. I was a fan when Obama said we'd all have insurance too........but then I got the bill. (and on that thought, why are we all crying about losing something that none of us can afford?).  Those comments make me sound very money driven, but it's not that, it's just that I dont get too excited about much in politics, so when politics put dollars in my pocket I sleep on the happy side of the bed.

A few more thoughts............the Russia thing is because my generation still thinks Russia is the enemy, so the media works it.  The nuclear war thing........again my generation and my Dad's grew up with our heads between our legs under our school desk so this works, it sells, we watch. The hate Trump thing? Those folks are laughing all the way to the bank and were eating the last crumb on the plate. The thing is if you are anti Trump, then know why. If you are pro Trump, then know why. And remember those that think differently than you are NOT your's just as simple as a different idea. Think for yourself and stop letting these people control your mind and thoughts.  Iran had an uprising recently, immediately their government shut down social media to the point that the government controlled what those folks saw and didnt's not our government doing the same thing here in America, it's people with money that think they are smarter than you or I.  I say let's outfox them and think for ourselves. Be a thinker, not a sheep.

One more time I say this is NOT a Trump post. Ive never seen the country as divided as I did when Obama was elected the second time.........that is until Trump got elected. It's going to happen with the next person and the one after that and so on until we all fall down, that is unless we learn to turn off the noise, think for ourselves and live with love and respect for others that do the same even if they arent on the same page as you. Be a thinker, not a sheeper.......................

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Boycott Starbucks?

For the record I've never been to a Starbucks. I don't like coffee, no matter what kind of artificial flavoring one adds to it. I just don't like coffee. But with all the fuss over Starbucks the last few days, I wanted to get my two cents in. The most likely scenario here, is that Starbucks created this whole situation which makes them geniuses, Anyways, here's my blog on the current "hot topic".


OK my turn. Boycott Starbucks? Hmmm........well let's see.

Boycott Starbucks over a red cup? Nah, I love red cups, especially at parties when I can write my name on them and still lose them.

Boycott Starbucks because they are anti-christian? Nah, the worlds anti christian but we cant boycott living - that would be anti christian. Although if all folks that claimed to be "believers" did happen to boycott Starbucks they would most likely go bankrupt. Not to mention they did publicly state that if you don't like their political stance on same sex marriage that you should sell their stock, and buy your coffee elsewhere. So they don't care about you or your faith. But christians aren't going to boycott anything, they are too busy arguing about if it's right or not to boycott. I guess at the end of the day, the jokes on you Mr and Mrs Christian person. But this isn't about that, this is about boycotting Starbucks.

Boycott Starbucks because they dont have "Merry Christmas" wriiten on their cups? Nah, Christmas has nothing to do with God, Jesus, or love, and everything to do with greed, wealth, and the American way. It has it's origins in paganism; the same folks that give us Halloween. Jesus wasnt born in December, and what you are celebrating is the winter solstice, the time that the sun is at it's lowest for 3 days and then starts to raise again in the sky. Everything that America has turned the holiday into is absolutely contrary to what Jesus taught. Greed, buy, over buy, spend, material things, jeeesh, how did we get here? Again, not what this post is about...........
Boycott Starbucks because they are too expensive? Well this would make the most sense, but then that wouldn't be boycotting, that would only put you in the same category as me - BROKE and too CHEAP to spend 10 bucks on what I can get for 2 bucks somewhere else. (This kind of fits right in to my thoughts about think about that for a minute).

Nah, if ya'll gonna boycott Starbucks, boycott them because they caused the extinction of the local coffee shop. You know the place where the community went and hung out, old men played checkers, old ladies gossip and read books, the place where young men and women were given their first job, the owner was your neighbor, and most importantly the place where a kid and his/her guitar could show up on a Friday night and play some music. Yep, that's why we should boycott Starbucks, they KILLED the local coffee houses, and that's where many rock n roll dreams were born. I missed the coffee houses of the 70's and early 80's, (I was too young) and that bumbs me out. Maybe if we boycott the big chains, the locally owned, locally served, coffee shops could make a comeback, and these kids could have another place to play their music, while I sit and play checkers..........

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Head Coach

With football season approaching, I began to think about coaching, management, and pastoring.

As a manager of a team of people in my automotive days, I always told my crew that I thought of my self as their coach. I was not just the guy that made the schedule and gave the orders, but that I was there to help them any way that I could. If it was to work on a car with them I would do it, if it was to teach them I would do it, if it was to protect them from upper management or an angry customer that was my job too. Not sure if that made me a good manager or not, but it was my style, it was what I strived for.

I began to think about this same concept when it comes to pastoring. The definition of a pastor, is that of a shepherd. One who cares for the flock and feeds them. Often times in churches today the pastor is the one that preaches, teaches, makes decisions, and leads the music; basically he does most everything. In some churches it is set up this way, in other churches it just happens this way. Pray for those pastors, for their work load must be quite large.

Now, what if, we structured it a bit different?  What if the pastor was the shepherd? What if the pastor DIDN'T preach every Sunday? What if he didn't have to lead the music? What if he didn't make every decision? What if he didn't teach, counsel, visit, and do all the things that most pastors do? What if he was "just" oversaw those that did all those things? What if the pastor was like a football coach? What if he chose the starting quarterback - the guy making the decisions with his input. What if he chose the trainer - the guy counseling others? What if he chose the offensive line coach, the defensive coach, the quarterback coach - you know all the folks within a church that were doing all the "specialty" training? What if he made personnel decisions and then let the people do their jobs? This point is important because if we had this type of structure our churches might be a bit more effective. The head coach is part of the team, yet he's separate from the team. The head coach can lose a game with a bad decision, but he rarely ever wins a game, as that's what the team does.
I'm sure there are churches structured like this, I've obviously not been to every church. Maybe more than I even know of. However, in my experience this design has not been something that I've seen very much of. Perhaps it should be attempted.

Now I'm not saying one way is right, or one way is wrong, or that everyone should do these according to my suggestion. This has nothing to do with anything more than just thoughts on a page. But let's consider this shall we? Let's be willing team mates and help out our pastors. Pastors let's not be selfish or prideful and "allow" others to take on some tasks, trust me if you get enough folks doing things you'll be so busy "coaching" them that you wont have time to do those very things anymore.
There's no rule that says you have to preach on Sundays. There's no rule that says it's all on your shoulders. Statistics say that 40% of pastors suffer from burn out, perhaps this would ease that pain.

Again, just something to consider from all sides of the conversation. Why can't a church be a team? Why can't there be unity like a team on a mission? Consider such things..........and ask God how you can get involved to help out your team.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Do I Stand Corrected?

Do I stand corrected? I do!

A few hours after my blog and show this morning, Hillsong made a public announcement, on the issue of their stance on homosexuality.

In this world today, news is entertainment, and one must be careful when reading, reporting, or sharing the news. I did my homework, I looked up the references to the quotes, and felt that the information I was presenting was as true as I could find it to be. Perhaps it was true, and perhaps social media and the sharing of the "blog" about the worship leaders has forced the Hillsong church to finally choose a side. Is social media that powerful? It can be........... / However no matter if it was true, or is true, from the mouth of the involved party comes clarification.

This statement is found on the Hillsong website, which means it's not just news, it's from their very mouth, and I stand corrected, and for this I am grateful.

Here is the link:

Their stance on "all are welcome" is exactly the point I was trying to make in my last blog. So this is awesome.

I stand corrected and I am grateful for that, it is truly our job to teach and disciple with love those that are seeking the truth. I have always believed that if you sincerely search for truth there is only one place that the road will take you, and that is to God.

I felt it was fair and honest to share this, (even though I only write like one blog every six months), as soon as I saw it. As I mentioned before, I'm pretty successful at sinning, and if my entire last blog was based on a lie, then SHAME ON ME! I'm not even waiting to "see how it plays out", this is their statement, I will take it, I will believe it, I will be thankful for it, I will pray for them, I will apologize for not doing ENOUGH homework on my last post, and I will sheepishly go hide in the corner of embarrassment for being duped by Internet "news".

I still pray for those two boys, I hope they receive some good biblical teaching in love and in private, I hope they learn that God's will is not a set of "rules" but a way of life that leads to life.

Lunch with a Pharisee Show RE:cap (8-4-15)

A "Hillsong church" worship leader has come out of the closet and is planning to marry his gay partner.  I say we pray for these brothers, we pray that someone will come along and love them enough to show them the truth. Obviously the Hillsong church is more concerned with being popular, than with taking an unpopular stance on a very popular subject.

I dislike it very much when "christians" point the finger at gay folks and condemn them to hell, to me telling a sinner that he is sinning is like telling a dead man that he is dead. Well then again, it is exactly the same. What we should be sharing with the sinners is NOTHING other than the way to life, through Jesus. Nothing more, nothing less. Who am I to point out their sins, as I myself am a pretty successful sinner. However, (you knew it was coming), the bible clearly states that we are to teach other believers what sin is, and the results of it. And if they don't listen? We are to expel them and leave them over to their sins. This is exactly what God does. When we deny him, he is the perfect gentleman and leaves us alone, which means we are free to sin about the country.

The problem with this scenario of the Hillsong brothers, is that their own church doesnt love them enough to tell them as believers that their choices are sinful, and that sin leads to death. Sometimes physical, sometimes spiritual, sometimes eternal, but always death. Somebody's gotta love these brothers enough to show them the statistics on the gay lifestyle, and that those numbers prove what God said, "the wages of sin is death". Somebody has to love them enough to tell them the truth even if it costs millions of dollars. Millions of dollars is of course what Hillsong stands to lose by making a stand. Millions of dollars is the price tag that has been put on these boys' life. What do you think their life is worth to God?

Paul said to "expel" the wicked person, and yes he was talking about believers. Non believers? never expel them, eat lunch with them like Jesus did. In this case the wicked is the Hillsong church, NOT the two men. Don't twist the two, or confuse the two,they are being "coddled" by their church that what they are doing is OK. I personally believe it's time for all the God loving, God fearing churches in the world to expel Hillsong from their communities. No music, no messages, no attention, and most of all no money. This is probably more important than boycotting a President that says "gay marriage is OK". Well in the eyes of man it is OK, and our President is a man, but in the eyes of God it's not OK, and Hillsong is supposed to represent the eyes of God.

Here's the link to the story:

It's not personal Hillsong, but then again it is, while your making crappy self centered worship music, collecting a ton of money, and looking super "hip" on TV, the world is dying........

(this is the subject matter that we discussed on the "Lunch With A Pharisee" show this morning, your input, comments, and thoughts are welcome now as they are during the actual show. You can catch the "Pharisee" show Tuesday mornings at 11am eastern time on )

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Blog More

I have ideas for blogs quite often, typically I intend to write these thoughts down in the blog, or at minimum make notes so that I can write a new blog entry at a later time. Almost always however, none of this gets done, which makes for a very boring blog site.

I need to blog more. Like really I do. So I am going to make an effort to do just that.

Music, thoughts, politics, religion, radio, cars, travels, events, heck there's enough stuff to write about, why not write about it.

If you have topics or questions you'd like me to cover, by all means reach out and let me know.

I plan to start a radio show that I am calling "lunch with a Pharisee". Crazy title? Yep, I guess it's better than the one I wanted to use - "Things that make you want to be an athiest". Ha, that one would get me in trouble. Let's face it, religious folks say and do some pretty crazy things sometimes, and they usually hashtag their "god" when doing so. Well I think it's time to shed some light on some of this stuff, and at minimum question it. Now when you ask questions, sometimes you get answers, and sometimes you don't like those answers. In the spirit of trying to NOT be a Pharisee, I would welcome discussion and answers to my questions no matter the stance that the person answering is taking. So if you can, I invite you to join me Tuesday mornings for the new show, "Lunch With A Pharisee". Let's see how much fun we can have, and how much trouble we can get into.

The show will air Tuesday mornings at 11am. Facebook chat, website chat, twitter messages, and even emails will be welcome during the show. Hopefully soon we can add a phone line for call ins and such. Stay tuned for that.

And stay tuned for more blogs, this particular show should give me plenty of material to blog about, or rather the blog if I actually wrote it, would be the ideas for the show.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Radio Station Info

This radio thing has grown a bit, and I'm having a blast.

I thought perhaps a quick blog to let you all know what's going would be a good idea, so here it goes.

I am currently "working" 4 stations in the following fashion.

Clarus Radio - I do alot of the programming on this channell. Clarus radio is an all genres rock station. Classic rock, oldies that rock, hair band rock, 90's rock, grunge rock, indie rock, christian rock, current rock, metal rock, and so forth. Even a country tune that rocks every now and then.
This station mixes up new, classic, christian,and indie rock and just keeps it going.
Some specialty shows are as follows:
Mon - 60's at 6
Tue - 70's at 7
Wed - 80's at 8
Thur 90's at 9

Mon at 8pm they play a Covenant Metal Radio show from the archives.
Wed at 5pm is the show Shake Some Action. If you want to hear some rare music, be sure to check this one out.
Sat at noon Clarus radio syndicates the 3R Radio top 25 countdown show.
Fridays at noon AND midnight they air Ralphy's Music Of The World. The host is Ralphie and he's the crazy guy from the land down under.
Tue at 2pm they syndicate my Upon This Rock show that I do for Rock Rage Radio.
Sundays at 9am it's the "Biscuits" show. 3 hours of "soft" rock.

Clarus Radio is currently accpeting applications for radio show hosts/dj's.
To submit music email Clarus Radio at

Clarus Radio can be found at

Country Rage Radio - country music with an edge. Indie, current, classic, and outlaw country, plus some great southern rock music as well.

I currently host a show every Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri from 10am to noon. Typically I host the show "live", but on occasion it is pre-recorded.

To submit music email at
Country Rage Radio can be found at

Rock Rage Radio - I host a two hour show on Rock Rage Radio every Saturday afternoon at 5pm. I play hard, and whatever else I think I can get away with.  This is a very secular and uncensored station that lets me play what I want and have a blast with it.  My show keeps the language and the lyrics quite "safe" but we still have a blast.  The name of the show is Upon This Rock with the shokjok and can be heard every Saturday at

Righteous Rock Radio / 3R-Radio.  My first and favorite love. All christian rock, from all era's and all styles. We play classics, indie, acoustic, and current rock. We have specialty shows for all genres of music from bluegrass to metal.  The only thing we don't play is most of the massed produced worship music that you can hear EVERYWHERE else.  Having been "born" in Feb of 2013 it's hard to believe that over 2 years later were still here RAWKIN4theROCK!  Righteous Rock Radio can be found at OR

So that's it in a nut shell. If you have music to share feel free to send it on over, I can probably find a way to play it unless it's "pop" or "worship pop".

Thanks for tuning in, please share the stations with your friends and acquaintances.  Be sure to support indie music, go to a show, buy a cd, and tell a friend................